2022/11/27 (星期日) 時長:41:00
還記得我們在上週日的節目中,分享的主題是感恩,當我們越數算恩典,就會覺得自己是個蒙福的人,是有福氣的人。所以今天在節目中,翠芳想和您分享的詩歌主題,是與「福份 / Blessing」有關的歌曲。
2018/07/31 (星期二) 時長:00:10:03
Do you enjoy your job? If not, you will find yourself stuck doing something you dislike for half of the time you are awake. The greatest blessing is to have a job you cannot wait to get to. When you take pleasure in your work, it motivates you to get up every morning and have a fulfilling day. When you are in the zone, you do not have time to worry about minor irritationsin life because you can not care less.